We have literally searched high and low to find over 15 world-class beachfront wedding locations within the incredibly picturesque areas of the Riviera Maya and Riviera Nayarit to suit any budget, group size and style!
We made it our number one mission to ensure that our locations offer the very best in Privacy, Food and Beverage, location and overall feel. We have selected only the top-notch locations in the area that offer the very best beaches, views and venues with excellent indoor options in the small chance of rain.
We have partnered with all of these locations and have also selected a few of our favorite properties which we like to call our “FRESA’S Choice” Locations. These locations are our Preferred Partnerships as they have proven themselves to be the very best in the area. They have worked with us on numerous occasions to provide our Fresa Couples with the Five star quality in all areas, most importantly Client Service.
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